"Ignorance is the biggest danger we have now as a human species", claims Ziya Azazi.
He is a choreographer, dancer and dervish. Born in Antakya - Turkey, based in Vienna, lives and works - worldwide.
From 1990 to 1994 he created his first choreographic work at the State Theatre of Istanbul. In the following years he began more thoroughly to practice and explore (mystical and scientific) dance of the dervishes. He has presented performances in front of the royal families of Denmark, Morocco, the Netherlands and Thailand. Until now she traveled more than 40 countries, over 230 cities and gave over 450 performances. After the experience gained in recent years, he began giving lectures and workshops. Thus helping many people to expand their borders and to discover more themselves.
I talked to him recently on the importance of dance and art to better connect with our inner selves.
When I watched your performance I had the feeling that you release your inner madness outside. How does dancing helped you to connect to to your inner self to your soul?
We become mad by aging more and more. The reason is what we call life, which we call it civilization - actually is based on stupidities. Everything is so shallow everything is cheap, our relations relationships, our outlook, the way of talking, the music we listen, the food we eat, everything is so cheap. Even we know that we have quality in every dimension, that we can be hugging each other, smiling to each other, loving each other and offering good food to each other, sharing the knowledge we have, sharing the technology we have, and that there is no need of putting borders between countries - we approach this level actually but we have a huge danger because of ignorance.
And the ignorance is the biggest danger we have now as human species.If we cannot go over this, humanity is gone. And we are in the most danger era we had ever been in our human history.
Why we are satisfied to live cheap? We are not satisfied. We are tricked, we are tricked by some powers - the powers not to lose the power, keep working hardly to hold the IQ level as low as possible. Let's say Trump, Erdogan, Putin, NASA Pentagon, NATO, all of them. So purposely they don't share knowledge. I mean scientists work and approach new things, discover things and try to share it, and immediately a power will buy this and get the right of it, and then abuse it, just for its own benefit. And we humanity we try to get it somehow, we work hardly one year long, to get just this technology. But actually it's done already and we can share it to everyone. And we have enough sources, we have enough space, we have enough oxygen, we have enough food. But we don't do this because of this narrow-minded thinking. Because we have such a cheap life, as much we live, while aging, we get more and more mad, because we have to accept this sick society. And this makes us really mad. I am also mad as you too, as those people living outside. But there is a huge beauty we have also inside us and huge potential for support, for love.
And when I perform I just let come everything out. So if I once I can get rid of this, the cover I have on me, which I call it the mad, so you just let the madness come out, so then the mad out of you, so then we can see this shiny core coming out from that. And you see in the performance in the same way. We see this mad guy flipping out, screaming, jumping, dancing but finally after a while, he is done - so he spent all of his energy and he become clean. At least satisfied. So let's talk about love, let's talk about sadness, about melancholy, about being human.