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The instability in the USA can cause a domino effect among the Trump-like leaders around the world

by - 13 January

Why the storming of US Capitol wasn't surprising and what the chaos across the Atlantic forebodes for Europe and the world - I asked the renowned political commentator and author Ece Temelkuran. 

For her the chaos at the US Capitol wasn't surprising. She predicted this. In her book "How To Lose A Country" Ece Temelkuran warned about what was coming. "It couldn't happen here"- was the usual response she received in the Western world. People said this before Brexit, before Trump. Until it happened. After the events in the USA it again became clear that no democracy is immune and the slide into authoritarianism is not reserved only for the countries in the East.  

Ece, after the invasion of the Capitol, the President-elect Joe Biden said: „Today is a reminder, a painful one, that democracy is fragile“. Why do you think it took so long for the USA to realize this? 
One of the reasons is, of course, American exceptionalism. Like in Britain there is a strong yet almost groundless assumption that such things cannot happen to Western countries. But also there is the fact that it is not emotionally easy for the established political elite to accept that such banal and vulgar political incidents could happen to them. We had the same time consuming illusion in Turkey as well. However one has to acknowledge that in this new age the institutions are no longer sturdy enough to depend on. 

In your book „How To Lose A Country“ you are warning that no country is immune to the rise of extremism. Was the Western world too arrogant in taking democracy for granted? 
I wouldn’t say arrogant but it takes time to accept that this final crisis of Capitalism hits every country exactly the same way. The countries may be completely different from each other but the way the right-wing populism operates is exactly the same. 

What are the common patterns of the global authoritarian turn?
I made it into 7 steps in „How To Lose A Country“. These seven common patterns are chapter titles in the book. The book is ironically written as a guide book for a dictator so the titles are: 
1. Create a movement
 2. Disrupt the rationale, terrorize the language
 3. Remove the shame (Induce moral disintegration)
4. Dismantle the political and judicial mechanisms
5. Design your own citizen
6. Let them laugh at the horror (Political humor becoming a pacifying shelter for the opposition)
7. Design your own country 

What could we expect might happen next in the USA and in Europe?
The USA has been lucky, Trump is not a political animal like the other autocrats that we see today. He cannot navigate the intricate political mechanism to dismantle it. His moves has been clumsy. But the mob that invaded Capitol Hill might soon find itself a better shepherd and then on things can go really difficult for American democracy.
Western Europe is still intact thanks to centrist leaders. They have been the last station before falling into the global rise of populism.
What terrifies me at this point is the massive hostility towards the intellect and science. When half of Europe is against vaccine it is hard to imagine a future for Europe. 

You said that „the political insanity is a global phenomenon. And it is turning the banality of evil into the evil of banality“. How we are convinced to allow that?
I see this as the crisis of neo-liberal politics and the natural consequence of it. The neo-liberalism’s ideal citizen is an idiot who says “Politics is dirty and being apolitical is a bliss". We are living the consequences of this motto.
That is why those who want to believe that once we get rid of Trump and his likes the problem will be over is making a grave mistake. This is not a real politic matter but a social and moral problem as well. 

What happens when a leading exporter of democracy is called "banana republic" incl. by its former president? What impact could that have globally? 
I can NOT see the irony there. The USA is called banana republic by the man who is elected through a shady election!
There is a global schadenfreude among the countries who have been reprimanded by the USA, obviously. But those of us who see the seriousness of the matter know very well that the prestige loss of American democracy will not have a healing effect on the hypocrisy of international politics.
American democracy was very (very!) far away from being perfect but still such instability can cause a domino effect among the Trump-like leaders around the world. 

On what depends now the health of American and global democracy? 
Social justice! There cannot be democracy without social justice and that is why we are going through this crisis anyway: The contract of democracy has been compromised for the lusty desires of Capitalism. Unless this choice is changed this crisis of democracy will endure.

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